Thank you for visiting the The Bahamas Barber Beauty Trade. Our privacy policy outlines the information we have access to when you visit our site, as well as how we use this information. We receive two types of information when you visit our site: Information automatically...
The Bahamas Barber Beauty Trade, TheBahamasBarberBeautyTrade.com, TBBBT, is dedicated to the success and satisfaction of our student/client base. TBBBT holds true to the fundamental belief that the success of our student/client directly reflects the success of TBBBT...
Note that this informational session is a part of the onboarding process and once you sign-up, pay online, and the session accessed in any manner, there will be NO REFUND. Updated: 12/12/2022
The purpose of this policy document is to ensure all student/clients have ready access to fair and inexpensive complaints and appeals process. The complaint and appeals policy applies to all cases of complaints or appeals, as defined, and is available to all...